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Robots in space and in the workplace

Robots in space and in the workplace NASA is already sending robots of different shapes and sizes into space. As technology progresses, this makes sense. Robots don't need to worry about oxygen to breathe or food to eat and they can be packed full of sensors to send data back to Earth.  The same applies in the workplace. Robots can take on the more difficult, dangerous and dull jobs to save mankind the trouble and risk. They can also theoretically operate more quickly, efficiently and with fewer mistakes too. DISCOVER BY AZAD SINGH

Colonisation of other planets

Colonisation of other planets We've been wreaking havoc on Earth for a long time and the planet can only put up with mankind's destructive nature for so long. If we don't destroy it, we'll one day outgrow it. Plans are in the works to colonise other planets and Mars will no doubt be the first port of call. With leaps forward in technology, this vision of the future is quickly becoming science-fact, rather than science-fiction. DISCOVER BY AZAD SINGH


Space Tourism We can fly to virtually any country in the world without any trouble, but what if we could all one day see the earth from space? Companies such as Virgin Galactic, SpaceX and even Amazon's  Blue Origin , want to make it a reality one day, and give us a (very expensive) seat aboard a spaceship to take us into orbit. Passengers on Amazon's New Shepard space shuttle will be taken 100km above sea level, before parachuting back to earth. DISCOVER BY AZAD SINGH


Life in the future: Tech that will change the way we live                            Technology has the power to do many things, and changing the world is one of them. We're privileged to be living in a time where science and technology can assist us, make our lives easier and rethink the ways we go about our daily lives. The technology we're already exposed and accustomed to has paved the way for us to innovate further, and this list of current and future technologies certainly have the potential to change our lives even more. DISCOVER BY AZAD SINGH